Provide support to the WHO office by assisting tax and authorities and health authorities in Pakistan in managing and overcoming current health taxes policy design and implementation challenges with special emphasize on tobacco taxes.
The incumbent shall undertake the following duties under the overall supervision of WHO-NCDs Team Lead:
- Coordination with all national level governments agencies to ensure policy coherence and alignment on tobacco control, particularly taxation issues
- Participate in the dialogue of WHO with government authorities on tobacco taxation and tax administration issues.
- Engage and support WHO engagement with health and tax authorities on tobacco control issues, particularly on tobacco taxation and tobacco use surveillance.
- Work closely with the TAX/HPR team, EMRO Regional Adviser TFI, and his supervisors to develop solutions for tobacco taxation challenges and during the annual tobacco tax proposals.
- Participate in the discussions between the in-country and global tobacco control partners.
- Engage and liaise with in-country and global tobacco control network to advance tobacco taxation work in Pakistan.
- Produce analytical reports on tobacco taxation challenges and proposed solutions, on the public health expenditures to attend tobacco related diseases and on cigarette tax evasion in Pakistan.
- Identify and analyse the main political economy challenges and technical issues for tobacco tax reform, tobacco tax administration and implementation and recommend measures to address these.
- Cooperate in the tax modelling work building on work already done previously and suggest areas for refinement.
- Compile evidence and analysis on the health cost of tobacco use in Pakistan.
- Compile evidence and analysis on cigarette tax evasion in Pakistan.
- compile evidence and analysis on minimum price policy and other tax policy measures to improve the effectiveness of tobacco taxation.
- Coordination with all national level governments agencies and international partners to ensure policy coherence and alignment on health taxes, particularly taxation issues. Produce analytical reports on health tax challenges and proposed solutions.
- Participate in the dialogue of WHO with government authorities on SSB’s taxation and tax administration issues.
- Engage and support WHO engagement with health and tax authorities on SSBs taxation issues.
- Participate in the discussions between the in-country and global tobacco control partners.
- compile evidence and conduct researches, analyses and presents health taxes related data, as well as information on emerging best practices in health taxes.
- Identifies and analyses issues and challenges regarding health taxes in Pakistan.
- compile evidence and analysis on earmarking of health taxes.
- compile evidence and analysis on economic and health cost associated with the use of SSBs.
Required Qualification:
- Minimum first university degree in Economics, Public Policy or Fiscal policies.
- 5 years of work experience on tobacco taxation, past experience of working with UN agencies will be an asset.
Skills / Technical skills and knowledge:
- Excellent inter-personal and written communication skill
- Statistical packages and econometric software
- Proficiency in English language
- Strong report writing skills in English Langauge